Personality In-Depth Class

This class helps you understand yourself and others in a way that inspires personal growth and synergy in relationships. It brings clarity to questions like, "Why do I get along with certain people, and not with others?", "Why can't I do what others do?", "Why can I do things that others cannot?", "Why does my relationship seem stuck and how can I help move it forward?"

You can use the content to become a more successful team player at home or at work. You can also use it to understand your own strengths and how to best move forward in your life.

You'll learn how our brains work in ways that, at first, seem oppositional, but when understood, become opportunities. Just as our differences can lead to conflict they can also open up avenues for creativity and success.

If we try to get others to do things like we do, we tend to bump heads and important things either don't get done or get done badly. However, if we can acknowledge and appreciate our diverse approaches then we can inspire a smarter and more comprehensive view of the situation.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Transform negative judgments into productive relationships
  • Avoid blind spots, think in different ways, and make fully informed decisions
  • Increase your ability to work effectively with your own strengths and those of others

Audience: Anyone who wants to be more successful working with diverse viewpoints, improve their relationships, and understand how to work with their own strengths.

Let me help!

Most coaching sessions are available via phone or Zoom. Awakening Sessions are available only on Zoom. Introductory coaching rates are $80/hr.

John Utter


About John

John Utter is a transformational coach with decades of experience helping people find the right path forward.

More than anything, I love helping people experience the kind of success and profound belonging that is soul satisfying. I know what it's like to have success without that satisfaction and it feels empty. I am adept at using coaching techniques, neuroscience, the best in psychology, and Jungian personality theory to help you shake off internal and external barriers so you can move forward in the direction that truly calls to you. In addition, I specialize in helping people awaken to their own soul nature which can result in a lasting and profound connection to oneself and others. more...