ENTJ. The Commander
If you are an ENTJ you probably can't help but lead up the charge to accomplish big goals. You usually have a vision of how to go about it and naturally rally people to the cause. You have a knack for taking abstract information, formulating it into a concrete plan, putting that plan into action, and getting it done. The idea of success, of making things happen and being recognized for it, is important. You're not one to sit on the sidelines.
The way you make decisions tends to be logical, decisive and geared toward efficiency. You're quick on your feet. You value competence in those around you and may be impatient with those who can't do what is needed. One of the reasons you want competent people around you is that you need to be challenged, just as you need to challenge others. You need to push and get pushed back because that's how growth takes place.
The work environment may be a natural energizer for you because of the many challenges and opportunities to lead others that present themselves there. You are a “take charge” people who does not like to sit still.
You want to stay in control of the environment around you as much as possible. Organization and structure is important. Your attraction to chaos, if any, is to bring that chaos into order. Continued interruptions and chaos can lead to unwelcome stress. You do best when you're able to bring your objectives to closure and move on to new and interesting projects. Continued repetitive work might be worse than chaos as it dulls your spirit and thwarts your need for continued growth.
ENTJs are one of the rarest personality types, comprising only about 1.5% of the population. If you are an ENTJ it's important to realize that everyone else does not think like you. Therefore, your ability to take in the big picture and make practical progress towards it is a rare gift. Similarly, not everyone has the same need to be pushed and to be pushed back.
Because achievement is so important to you, under severe stress you may become overly critical of others, and also of yourself. In these cases, other people might view you as harsh and uncompromising, even undermining of others. You may also come under your own fire, beating yourself up for decisions that may have been too hard on others, and then incriminating yourself as a 'horrible' person. At this point, everything is taken personally. Your natural logical approach collapses.
The way to avoid such cycles is twofold:
- Make sure the projects you take on are coherent with your own values.
- Find ways to caretake the morale of the people around you even as you work efficiently toward your objectives. After all, no one works efficiently when they feel alienated.