Lyanna Mormont
“I think we’ve had enough small talk, why are you here”
"House Mormont has kept faith with House Stark for 1,000 years. We will not break faith today."
"'Your Grace.' But you’re not. Are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a… I’m not sure what you are now. A lord? Nothing at all?"
Fierce and fabulously blunt, Lyanna Mormont has ferocity of a lion in a small girl's body. Leading with #1 Extraverted Thinking (Te) she speaks her mind and does away with #8 Extraverted Feeling social niceties. Her #2 Introverted Sensing shows through in her ultimate loyalty to House Stark and in her attention to formal titles and lineages.
Randyll Tarly
He's as blunt as Lyanna Mormont, incredibly cruel, and not as brave. Randyll Tarly is not the model ESTJ. Though he speaks of tradition and honor, he abandons his loyalty to House Tyrell for his own ambition.